You Love a Book, You Adore The Cover – But Do You Know Who Made it?

The Strawberry Post

We’re always told not to judge a book by it’s cover, but when it comes to book buying, admit it – most of us do! 😮 😀  The first thing you see that often pulls you in to wanting to even read the blurb on the back is a beautiful looking cover.  While different covers will attract different readers, one thing is for certain: Book covers matter and do affect how many people will read the books.  So why is it, when there are so many new books released every month, that we hardly ever know who designed those amazing covers?

Those beautiful pictures inside

In every book review I’ve done that features pictures inside a book, whether it’s a dedicated picture book or a middle grade or ya fantasy with some lovely artwork or maps, I’ve always felt the need to comment on the illustrations that form the pictures…

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The Reality of Everyday Racism

I can relate to this: “It may be a glaring look by an employee or a customer. It may be me being invisible in a line and seeing a white person who arrived after me being waited on first.” The reason why training is so necessary as a tool to fight against racism is because laws alone DO NOT change the hearts that harbor these evil ideologies. Thank you for writing this. 🙂


by Kiki

It’s hard not to be reminded, on a daily basis, that racism in America is alive and well.

One recent instance to make the news took place on October 26 at a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant near Chicago, Illinois. A group of about 20 family members and friends, including several children, wereapproachedby an employee who purportedly asked group member Justin Vahl, “What race are you?”

When Vahl asked the relevance of this information, he says another employed explained, “We have a regular customer here who doesn’t want to sit around black people.”

Vahl’s wifepostedan account of the incident, including a photo of the back of the customer who complained. It went viral, an attorney was retained and a press conference was held.

Buffalo Wild Wingsfiredthe two employees. “We take this incident very seriously,” a company spokesperson said. “Buffalo Wild Wings values an…

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DPOV has his pros and cons. And did I mention it’s often a pain in the butt to write it well? Lol.

E. Rose Sabin

A lot has been written about deep point of view, the technique in fiction writing in which a scene, a chapter, or at times an entire novel is written entirely in the point of view of a single character. What it involves is limiting what is shown in the scene entirely to what the point of view character sees, reacts to, thinks, and does. The writer can go into that character’s and only that character’s thoughts and emotions. Short stories are often written entirely in the deep point of view of a single character. A novel may be written entirely from one viewpoint but more often has several viewpoint characters, but using deep point of view, it goes into the viewpoint of only one of those characters in a scene. Many fine articles have been written about the use of deep point of view, and I don’t plan to dwell…

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Maverick Publishing open for Junior and Middle Grade Submissions

Writing and Illustrating


We now accept Middle Grade submissions!

Junior Fiction and Middle Grade submissions are OPEN.

How to Submit

To help you with the submissions process we have put some guidelines for your submission.  To have a look at our current junior fiction/middle grade titles, click here.  Please read through carefully before sending us your submission.  Anything that is vastly different to the guidelines will not be read.

Preferred Guidelines:

  • If submitting multiple manuscripts, please put them all in the same email.
  • We are looking for something a little bit quirky… we are called Maverick!  Sweet stories about fluffy kittens and lost puppies are just not our thing – sorry.
  • Something with series potential is a bonus.
  • A short cover letter with some information about yourself e.g. location, job and whether you are already published.
  • Your name on the email (you would be amazed how many people forget to put…

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The Racial Equity Nerd

I have really been looking forward to this film.Harriet Tubman is one of the most bad ass people in American history, and as I have gotten older, I have realized how fully robbed of her story I was in schools.

The first time I got wind that I knew nothing about Harriet Tubman was my second year as an Outdoor Afro leader. Our annual leader training was happening near Harper’s Ferry National Park, and one of our pre-training events included hiking on a section of the Underground Railroad. If you haven’t been to that park, I highly recommend you go. Harper’s Ferry (history-wise) is the blackest experience in the National Park Service. I might be inaccurate on that one, but of the national parks I’ve been to, it’s true. Anyway while there, I learned a lot more about Black resistance and realized it was much bigger than rebellions

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OPEN SUBMISSIONS: The Sirens Call – issue 48 ‘Memento Mori’ | #Horror #OpenCall #ReprintsWelcome #fiction @Sirens_Call

The Sirens Song


For the 48th issue of The Sirens Call, not only would we like you to write about a token that is reminiscent of death, but remember that death itself may lay around every corner. We’d like you to pay tribute to it in the most heinous ways possible by submitting pieces that honor it, horrify with it, respect it, and/or fight it to the bitter end; and we do mean the literal bitter end as each piece selected for eZine 48 must contain a death – mortal or otherwise.

Short stories, flash fiction, drabbles, and poetry are acceptable provided they fit the theme within the horror/dark fiction genre. We welcome reprints as long as you hold the copyright to the piece.

Your piece can be scary, sullen, emotive, freaky, elegant, bizarre, have a dark-humor edge to it, or be flat out creepy as hell!

The basic rules:

  • Write the…

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