Come Teach Again – On Teacher Guilt and the Platitudes that Grows It

All. Of. This! Covid-19 has been a great revealer of how unfairly a lot of people are treated at their jobs. My reflections on my role as an educator brought me to this blog post on my search for answers. Mrs. Ripp, thank you for penning so eloquently what a lot of us think and need to say! 🙂

Pernille Ripp

For a while, I have been noticing a trend in my Twitter feed, or rather what Twitter wants me to see.  If I ever cross into “Moments” or “Search” it seems that the same white males keep popping up with Twitter telling me that if I follow education then I surely must be interested in their statements.  At times, it is right, many who are no longer in the classroom have fascinating ideas to share, research to ponder, and resources to go through.  And yet, there are times, and seemingly more so recently, that who I am supposed to be learning from in education keeps being the same white, male, non-classroom teachers that keep telling me, this classroom teacher, what I need to do to be the perfect teacher.

I have quietly rolled my eyes.  Seethed a little.  Showed friends how funny it is that it seems to be the…

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